如果要想迅速的得到 Linux 环境中的日志报告信息, Logwatch 是一个很好的工具.
#sudo apt-get install logwatch
#logwatch –print
#logwatch –service sshd –print
#logwatch –help
Usage: /usr/sbin/logwatch [–detail <level>] [–logfile <name>]
[–print] [–mailto <addr>] [–archives] [–range <range>] [–debug <level>]
[–save <filename>] [–help] [–version] [–service <name>]
[–numeric] [–output <output_type>]
[–splithosts] [–multiemail]
[–print] [–mailto <addr>] [–archives] [–range <range>] [–debug <level>]
[–save <filename>] [–help] [–version] [–service <name>]
[–numeric] [–output <output_type>]
[–splithosts] [–multiemail]
–detail <level>: Report Detail Level – High, Med, Low or any #.
–logfile <name>: *Name of a logfile definition to report on.
–service <name>: *Name of a service definition to report on.
–print: Display report to stdout.
–mailto <addr>: Mail report to <addr>.
–archives: Use archived log files too.
–save <filename>: Save to <filename>.
–range <range>: Date range: Yesterday, Today, All, Help
where help will describe additional options
–numeric: Display ddresses numerically rather than symbolically and numerically
(saves a nameserver address-to-name lookup).
–debug <level>: Debug Level – High, Med, Low or any #.
–splithosts: Create a report for each host in syslog.
–multiemail: Send each host report in a separate email. Ignored if
not using –splithosts.
–output <output type>: Report Format – mail, html-embed, html or unformatted#.
–version: Displays current version.
–help: This message.
* = Switch can be specified multiple times…
–logfile <name>: *Name of a logfile definition to report on.
–service <name>: *Name of a service definition to report on.
–print: Display report to stdout.
–mailto <addr>: Mail report to <addr>.
–archives: Use archived log files too.
–save <filename>: Save to <filename>.
–range <range>: Date range: Yesterday, Today, All, Help
where help will describe additional options
–numeric: Display ddresses numerically rather than symbolically and numerically
(saves a nameserver address-to-name lookup).
–debug <level>: Debug Level – High, Med, Low or any #.
–splithosts: Create a report for each host in syslog.
–multiemail: Send each host report in a separate email. Ignored if
not using –splithosts.
–output <output type>: Report Format – mail, html-embed, html or unformatted#.
–version: Displays current version.
–help: This message.
* = Switch can be specified multiple times…
#nano /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf
MailTo = root
Detail = 是细节度,推荐 10 ,即最高