一个非常bt的 在多操作系统下的bt客户端。。
Upload Torrents via URL or File UploadStart, Stop, and Delete Torrents with a clickAdvanced Torrent start options (ports, speeds, etc.)Multi-user interfaceRSS Feeds, download Torrents files with a clickView Download Progress of all torrents at a glanceView drive space at a glanceView Torrent file meta informationBuilt-in User management and SecurityPrivate MessagingThemes (selectable per user)Upload HistoryDetailed User AdministrationAdmin Searchable LogsAdvanced Torrent Search (many major sites included)Cookie support at the user level for private trackersQueue ManagerMaketorrent — supports making torrentsLanguage Support注意,支持中文!!
apt-get update
apt-get install apache2 mysql-server mysql-client php4-mysql apache-common bittornado libapache2-mod-php4 libphp-adodb locales mysql-common php4-common pwgen
apt-get install torrentflux