Category Archives: Software

Add Cloudflare Dynamic DNS Support on Unifi USG

It seems Unifi USG still doesn’t support Cloudflare Dynamic DNS, even though lots of users voted for this feature.
In the past I’m using dnsomatic to update cloudflare DDNS, but dnsomatic is not working anymore. So I spent sometime to find a solution.

1. Create a config.gateway.json and put it on unifi controller. Then provision USG.
If you don’t know how to create the file, please refer to

	"service": {
		"dns": {
			"dynamic": {
				"interface": {
					"<WAN interface eg eth0>": {
						"service": {
							"cloudflare": {
								"host-name": [
									"<insert A record name here eg.>"
								"login": "<CloudFlare E-Mail>",
								"options": [
									"zone=<DNS Zone eg.>"
								"password": "<CloudFlare Global API Key>",
								"protocol": "cloudflare"

2. Upgrade ddclient on USG to version 3.9.0.
Save below script as a bash file:

# Run this script as sudo

# Specify the repo and the location of the apt sources list
DEB_REPO="deb wheezy main # wheezy #"

# Add deb repo to sources list if it isn't there
grep -q -F "$DEB_REPO" "$APT_SRC" || echo "$DEB_REPO" >> "$APT_SRC"

# Run Apt update
apt-get update; apt-get -y install libdata-validate-ip-perl

# Download new ddclient and replace the existing version
cd /tmp
curl -L -O
cp /usr/sbin/ddclient /usr/sbin/ddclient.bkp
cp ddclient /usr/sbin/ddclient
chmod +x /usr/sbin/ddclient

And chomod +x the file and run it with root. Then the script will install libdata-validate-ip-perl as well as ddclient 3.9.0.

3. As we are using standard ddclient, so we have to create a copy of the old ddclient configuration file.

cd /etc/ddclient
cp ddclient_eth0.conf ddclient.conf

4. Then restart ddclient.


5. Done. From system log, you should be able to see ddclient update cloudflare DDNS now.

Symantec Antivirus更换服务器

1. Stop service ‘symantec antivirus’ service on client

2 For client, del ‘C:Program FilesSymantec Client SecuritySymantec AntiViruspkiroots*.*’

3 copy server ‘C:Program FilesSAVpkiroots’ from server to client ‘C:Program FilesSymantec Client SecuritySymantec AntiViruspkiroots’

4 copy server ‘C:Program FilesSAVGRC.dat’ to client ‘C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataSymantecSymantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition7.5’

5 start service ‘symantec antivirus’

浅析 NIS 的特点和适用用户群


看到论坛里很多用户经常尝试各种安全软件产品,我感到虽然通过亲身体验来比较和选择适合自己的安全软件更加有针对性,但是难免比较耗时。由于诺顿的软件体积比较大,卸载也不是十分快捷,试用十分不便,因此从诺顿网络安全特警(Norton Internet Security,下文简称 NIS)的老用户角度出发写出这篇文章,希望能够帮助准备试用 NIS 的用户在安装前对 NIS 的产品特点和用户定位有一个大致的了解,更加有针对性的试用产品,降低测试产品的成本。

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