Monthly Archives: November 2013

upgrade php in Freebsd 9.2

While upgrade freebsd to 9.2, when I tried to upgrade php from 5.4.16 to 5.4.21, I got below error message:

===>   Registering installation for php5-5.4.21
pkg-static: lstat(/usr/ports/lang/php5/work/stage/usr/local/include/php/sapi/cli/): No such file or directory
pkg-static: lstat(/usr/ports/lang/php5/work/stage/usr/local/include/php/sapi/): No such file or directory
*** [fake-pkg] Error code 74

Stop in /usr/ports/lang/php5.
*** [install] Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/lang/php5.
*** [reinstall] Error code 1

According to Freebsd bug report (, to fix this problem, we need to add NO_STAGE=yes into make.conf.

Disable virtual printers mapping in Citrix

To disable the virtual printer mapping in Citrix, you need to deploy a Citrix user policy to disable the drivers of the virtual printers.
The policy is based on the driver name. So you need to make sure that the driver name is correct.
Here are the drivers.

Microsoft Office Document Image Writer Driver
Microsoft XPS Document Writer
Microsoft XPS Document Writer v4
Send To Microsoft OneNote Driver
Send To Microsoft OneNote 2010 Driver
Send to Microsoft OneNote 15 Driver
Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2007 Document Writer Driver

Remove Microsoft XPS Document Writer

To remove the ‘Microsoft XPS Document Writer’ printer within Windows Server 2008, run the following command:

cscript C:WindowsSystem32Printing_Admin_Scriptsen-USprnmngr.vbs -d -p “Microsoft XPS Document Writer”

This command can be used for any other local printer that needs to be removed, eg. ‘Send to OneNote’