Category Archives: Web Server

IIS: SSL Certificate Disappearing after import

After import the certificate into IIS, when I navigated away from the Server Certificates window, the certificate would disappear.
I could see the certificate in the server’s Personal Certificate Store using MMC (Microsoft Management Console) but it wouldn’t show up in IIS.

After investigate, I found below solution for this issue:

Save the three portions of the certificate into three separate files (Note: The Intermediate Certificate is optional, if you were not supplied with one, just skip the steps involving it):

privatekey.txt – Copy and paste the contents of the private key including the begin and end lines.
certificate.txt – Copy and paste the contents of the Regular Certificate including the begin and end lines.
intermediate.txt – Copy and paste the contents of the Intermediate Certificate including the begin and end lines.

Upload all these files to a linux server, and run

openssl pkcs12 -export -out certificate.pfx -inkey privatekey.txt -in certificate.txt -certfile intermediate.txt

then import the certificate.pfx into IIS

lighttpd+fastcgi under freebsd

## for PHP don’t forget to set cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1 in the php.ini
fastcgi.server             = ( “.php” =>
                               ( “localhost” =>
                                   “socket” => “/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket”,
                                   “bin-path” => “/usr/local/bin/php-cgi”

网站管理员的好帮手:Google 网站管理员工具

“Google 为什么一直不收录我的网站?”
“我的网站被 Google 屏蔽了吗?”
“为什么 Google 只抓取了我的网站的一小部分?如何让 Google 知道我网站上的所有网页?”
1) 获得关于 抓取及收录您网站的详细资料。如果您的是因为违反了 Google 的网站管理员指南而未被收录,您可能会看到相关的警告,以及网站修正后提交重新收录的链接。
2) 诊断潜在的抓取问题,并学习如何改善它们。
3) 了解哪些关键字为您的网站带来最多的访问量。
4) 与 Google 分享关于您网站的信息。

The XHTML/CSS template phase of my new blog, part 2

In part 1 I’ve showed you how I divided the design into different container div areas. In this post I’m going more into detail on the CSS/XHTML of the horizontal navigation. As I mentioned already in part 1, I use a technique called the Navigation Matrix written by Didier Hilhorst. In this technique, you use only 1 background image for the whole navigation. This background image is then placed to its pixel precise position using CSS background positioning.


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