Use CNTML to pass through NTML proxy

Lots of company require end users to use a proxy to access internet. Some of them are using NTML proxy such as ISA. But some software such as Xshell, putty are not supporting NTML proxy.
So we can use CNTML to pass through NTML proxy.

Official website:
You can also refer to wiki:

1. Download CNTML. I suggest to download the zip version due to users may not have admin rights.
2. Unzip it.
3. Modify configuration file cntlm.ini,Please note that the password is in plain text and it’s a security risk:

Username: Your domain username
Domain: Your domain name
Password : Your domain password. (It seems that if you have # in your password, you may get some problem)
Proxy : You NTML proxy address, such as
Listen cntlm: By default it’s 3128

4. Create a shortcut for cntlm.exe, and then right click the shortcut, choose property. And add ” -c cntlm.ini” at the end of target. Otherwise CNTML will try to laod the configuration files in C:\Program Files\cntlm中的cntlm.ini, and you’ll get an error.
5.Double click the shortcut to start CNTML. And then open task manager, you can find that cntml is running.
6. In Xshell, create a new proxy which is

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