Tag Archives: certificate

IIS: SSL Certificate Disappearing after import

After import the certificate into IIS, when I navigated away from the Server Certificates window, the certificate would disappear.
I could see the certificate in the server’s Personal Certificate Store using MMC (Microsoft Management Console) but it wouldn’t show up in IIS.

After investigate, I found below solution for this issue:

Save the three portions of the certificate into three separate files (Note: The Intermediate Certificate is optional, if you were not supplied with one, just skip the steps involving it):

privatekey.txt – Copy and paste the contents of the private key including the begin and end lines.
certificate.txt – Copy and paste the contents of the Regular Certificate including the begin and end lines.
intermediate.txt – Copy and paste the contents of the Intermediate Certificate including the begin and end lines.

Upload all these files to a linux server, and run

openssl pkcs12 -export -out certificate.pfx -inkey privatekey.txt -in certificate.txt -certfile intermediate.txt

then import the certificate.pfx into IIS

Netscaler VPX license

When I tried to install certificate to netscaler vpx, I got below error message:

Certificate with key size greater than RSA512 or DSA512 bits not supported

After investigate, I found that this problem is caused by Netscaler License. You need to install at least 3 licenses to Netscaler to support it’s functions

1) Netscaler Platform licence: this enables netscaler features, but more importantly, unlocks the higher grades of encryption. License issued against Host-ID (= mac addr)
2) Netscaler Gateway platform licences / ICA licenses: this licence gives you up "unlimited" basic mode (ie ICA-only) connections. License issued against Hostname
3) Universal licenses: paid for licenses (you get free ones with XD platinum / NS platinum) which allow use of smart-access mode (=vpn, clientless, or ICA with epa). License issued against Hostname.