Tag Archives: k800


SonyEricsson下一代拍照手机K800近日现身网络。根据发布网站公布信息,K800代号Wilma,拥有320万象素摄像头,并且采用了和Sony CyberShot T系列相同的镜头滑盖设计。
SonyEricsson K800三围106x47x18mm,重115g,采用2英寸QVGA分辨率显示屏,内置MemoryStick M2插槽,64MB机载内存,16倍数码变焦,防红眼设计,防抖动,支持FM调频和USB 2.0传输。


We’re not going to deny the utter gratuity here, but cut us some slack, we’ll admit we’ve been rather lustful for more shots of Sony Ericsson’s Wilma / k800i, and now you can finally see, um, the back of what’s sure to be one of the sexiest phones of 2006. Just to refresh your memory, this thing’s supposed to pack a 3.2 megapixel camera, QVGA display, Bluetooth 2.0 with A2DP, stereo speakers, 466MB of internal flash, and EDGE/UMTS. You know, brains and beauty.

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