Tag Archives: intel

Install ESXi 8 on Intel 12th CPU – “Fatal CPU mismatch on feature”

This problem is caused by the new architecture of Intel CPUs which are equipped with different types of cores – Performance-cores and Efficient-cores.

The parameter needs to be set prior to installation and the first boot of ESXi.

  1. When ESXi installation starts, press SHIFT+O to edit boot options.
  2. Append cpuUniformityHardCheckPanic=FALSE
  3. Press ENTER
  4. Install ESXi
  5. When the installation is finished, reboot the system and press SHIFT+O to edit the boot options again.
  6. Append cpuUniformityHardCheckPanic=FALSE and press ENTER
  7. To make the kernel option permanent, run the following command on your ESXi host:
    # esxcli system settings kernel set -s cpuUniformityHardCheckPanic -v FALSE
  8. We also have to enable kernel option ignoreMsrFaults to prevent PSOD during VM startups.
    # esxcli system settings kernel set -s ignoreMsrFaults -v TRUE

This setting allows ESXi to work with different P-Cores and E-Cores

Windows 8 and Intel USB 3.0 Host Controllers


Now download these two .inf files which have been modified to allow the Intel driver to install on Windows 8:

We are going to replace the existing versions of these two files with the ones we just downloaded. Place the files in the following directory of the unzipped driver package and click yes when Windows warns that we are over writing a file with the same name:


This will update these two infs with the modified versions that will allow the Intel driver to install on Windows 8 when the Host Controller and USB hub drivers are updated.

To install the Intel drivers in place of the in box XHCI stack, we’ll have to temporarily disable Driver Signing Enforcement. To do this press the Windows key + R and in the run box type:

shutdown.exe /r /o /f /t 00

Now make the following selections to boot into the Start Up Setting Screen

Troubleshoot — Advanced options — Start Up Settings — Restart

Then, when the machine restarts, select “Disable driver signature enforcement”. Your machine will start with Driver signing enforcement disabled until the next reboot.

When the machine restarts, open Device Manager (win + r, devmgmt.msc). Double click on the entry for the Intel(R) USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller and select the Drivers tab. You should see that the driver provider is Microsoft.

Now click “Update Driver” and then select “Browse my computer for driver software”.

Next choose “Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer”.

Next, select “Have Disk”.

In the Window that pops up titled “Install From Disk” choose “Browse” and navigate to the location where we replace the original infs with the two modified .inf files we downloaded earlier. Select iusb3xhc.inf and click ok.

Windows will warn that the driver is not signed and will require you to confirm the installation.

Once the installation is complete, reboot the machine following the same procedure as above:

shutdown.exe /r /o /f /t 00

Now make the following selections to boot into the Start Up Setting Screen

Troubleshoot — Advanced options — Start Up Settings — Restart

When the machine starts, select “Disable driver signature enforcement”. Your machine will start with Driver signing enforcement disabled until the next reboot. Once logged in, open Device Manager (win + r “devmgmt.msc”) and locate the entry under Other devices for an Unknown device, to find the correct one, double click on the entry for the unknown device view the details tab. Make sure it has the VID_8086.

Once you have located the correct device right click on it and choose “Update Driver” Choose “Browse my computer”, Windows will ask you to identify the type of device, scroll down and select “Universal Serial Bus Devices”.

Click next, choose “Have Disk”, “Browse” and select the modified iusb3hub.inf that we placed in the Intel(R)_USB_3.0_eXtensible_Host_Controller_DriverDriversWin7x64 folder earlier and click ok.

Again, Windows will warn about driver signing, when the install is finished, reboot your machine.

When it restarts look at the driver tab for the Intel(R) USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller and the Intel(R) USB 3.0 Root Hub to confirm that you are now running the Intel drivers.

To return to the built in Microsoft USB 3.0 driver stack, use the uninstall drivers button from the driver tab in device manager. When it’s finished, select the Action menu of Device Manager and “scan for hardware changes” Windows should find the Intel USB 3.0 host controller and re-install it using the built in Microsoft XHCI stack.


INQ报道--Intel首席技术官Justin Rattner今天表示,鉴于多核心处理器时代即将到来,Intel原有的超线程技术即将走到末路。
为了进一步推广多核心处理器技术,Intel还将在软件开发者中推动一项名为“Tera Scale”活动,鼓励他们为双核心/多核心平台编写应用程序。
无论怎么说,Intel已经做好决心抛弃曾经的宠儿,看来,用不了多久,Intel Pentium EE上的HT“袖标”就要和我们说再见了。



5月初,Intel开始着手处理器的65nm制程转换工作,同时还确认将用Pentium M来取代Pentium 4。
接下来,人们发现Opteron是如此轻松地干掉Intel Xenon,某厂商甚至预测到2005年底,AMD将获得15%的服务器处理器市场份额。
而在5月份的“Gartner System Builder Summit”大会上,服务器主板厂商超微确信AMD的Opteron处理器已经流行起来,其Opteron主板也成为会上的明星。某知名厂商甚至透露Intel根本不敢在高性能计算机(HPC)领域和AMD叫板。
到目前为止,Intel仍然继续获取着巨额利润,同时也无疑仍是笔记本市场的霸主,不过我们对AMD Opteron在明年的表现寄予厚望,而Intel现在只能寄希望于Yonah,Merom等等新核心处理器。至于明年1月份即将出现的Viiv,Intel目前正忙着劝说消费者:不管Pentium 4“芯”还是Pentium M“芯”,只要是Viiv就是好“机”。