Usually we can use below batch file to check domain controller schema version.
ECHO OFF REM Change the line below. Example: SET domain=dc=mydomain,dc=com SET domain=dc=exampledomain,dc=com ECHO. ECHO Finding Schema Level on Domain Controllers in domain %domain%.. SET file=schemainput.txt dsquery server -o rdn > %file% FOR /f %%a IN (%file%) DO CALL :Loop %%a REM Cleaning up the temporary file. IF EXIST %file% DEL %file% GOTO :eof :Loop SET dc=%1 ECHO. ECHO %dc% dsquery * cn=schema,cn=configuration,%domain% -scope base -attr objectversion -s %dc%|FIND /i /v "objectversion" GOTO :eof
Another very quick way to check this with only one command line is using the repadmin tool:
repadmin /showattr * “cn=schema,cn=configuration,dc=yourdomain,dc=com” /atts:ObjectVersio